Buck’s New Glass Eye

Here in Lynnville when someone falls on a little hard luck, we all pitch in and try to help them get back on their feet.

Our friend, Buck, gathers with his friends on the benches outside our shop door every morning to drink coffee, discuss the weather, argue about politics and, in general, to solve the world’s problems… anything is fair game with this group.

Buck recently had a bout with cancer and lost his right eye as a result. After surgery and countless trips to the doctor, Buck ran short on funds.

So, we’re having a pancake breakfast Saturday, August 7th, at the Soda Pop Cafe in Lynnville to raise some money to buy Buck a glass eye. He has to pay $1000 up front to have the surgery.

If you happen to be in our neck of the woods on Saturday, stop in for some pancakes and help ‘ole Buck out.

P.S. Buck isn’t so interested in the cosmetic effects of the surgery, but he would like to get rid of the black patch. He says all the little kids at Wal-Mart stare at him. They probably think he’s that guy off the soap opera, and that does concern him.

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