“Plastic and Velcro”

Video Transcript

Colonel: “I somehow think that things had a lot of character at one time. And, I don’t think plastic and velcro is something that’s going to be a family heirloom. I just don’t deal in that, and uh, I take a lot of inspiration from old pieces of something that I pick up or I get a piece of an idea from this and a piece of an idea from that. And then I’ll play with it and mess with it til it look like what I think it ought to look like and really it usually looks like something that could have been made a hundred years ago, but I just adapted it, to use it, for, to function in today’s world. And so if you’re looking for a slick, black Italian looking briefcase, then I’m not you’re guy. I mean, I’m just not your man. But if you want something that’s Americana looking, and maybe a little taste of, uh, you know, the old west or something on a steam engine or train that somebody was carrying then that’s probably where I, that’s probably where I see it.

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