10 Reasons To Tell Your Wife Why You Bought A New Col. Littleton Bag

  1. I was on the internet looking at a new car and I bought this bag instead. I saved us $60,000 dollars!

  2. I just thought you would have wanted me to.

  3. I just felt out of my comfort zone without it.

  4. I had an out-of-body experience.

  5. The guys at work said I deserved it.

  6. It’s a long-term investment.

  7. To reward myself for being such a great husband.

  8. The health department condemned my old one.

  9. My therapist recommended it for my self image.

  10. I needed it to go with my new look on that Harley I’m saving up for.

Feel free to use these “reasons” for any other things you need to buy.

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Shop the entire Col. Littleton Business Bag Collection HERE.

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