No. 2 Shave Kit

Video Transcript:

Colonel: “The No. 2 Colonel Littleton shave kit is made from our American steerhide, with a canvas lining inside. It also buckles up, has an engraving plate on the front, and a place to hang the bag up on the back of the door or wherever you choose. You will notice that the design is a little different, and I have a slightly different interpretation of what I think a shaving kit should look like, and this is it. I have done my fair share of traveling around this country and the world, and I have hauled enough luggage around, probably as much as anybody. So, this kit works for me, and it has for many years. I will show you my shave kit and how it works for me, so you can see what goes in it. Additionally, here you can see the little hang thing that allows you to hang it up. Now, everybody has their own personal idea of what they carry. Well, I have to carry a little candle with me, as you can see, so I can have a little accent in the room when I am there. I also have a balm and beard conditioner, as well as a little wax for my mustache when I need it. Of course, you have to have your bowl for your shaving mug and your shaving brush, among other things. And then, in the middle, of course, it’s necessary to have a little spicy tonic to impress the women. And, naturally, a man wouldn’t shave with just any old regular razor if he was carrying a brush like this. I also carry a little snakebite kit, just in case. And I have a special corkscrew because you never know when you’re going to need one on the road. And, in case this scent is not what I wanted to smell like, I also have another little bottle of Colonel Cologne. In addition, I have a small first aid kit, which is always handy. And since I like to snack at night, sometimes I can’t find a spoon in the room. So, I always bring my trusty army spoon with me. Over here, you will notice that I am kind of big on smelling good, so I have another little bottle of fragrance. There is also a little hidden formula here for cough syrup. That’s pretty much it, other than my little Coast Guard snuggly bear that I always have to have before going to bed at night.”

Available in three leather options:

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