The Pocket Journal

The New No. 27 & No. 28 Pocket Journals. 

Choose the one that works best for you:

No. 27 Pocket Journal

Outside Dimensions: 6″H x 4″W
Pocket Journal holds 5 1/2″H x 3 1/2″W journal fillers.

No. 28 Pocket Journal

Outside Dimensions: 8 3/4″H x 5 1/4″W
Pocket Journal holds 8 1/4″H x 5″W journal fillers.

 The No. 27 and No. 28 Pocket Journals include the following:

A Leather Journal Cover

3 Ruled Pocket Journal Fillers

No. 2 4/8 Wooden Pencil

50 Index Cards

3 Brass Paper Clips to mark your place

Drawstring Cloth Bag

. . . and most importantly . . .

An ARCHIVE BOX with Leather Strap Closure.

Even if you already have a favorite journal, insert or filler, other than one made by us, that’s okay, too. Our leather journal covers fit like book covers and are designed to work with other popular journal inserts of the same size.

“Every now and then I have to stop and ask myself: With all the good in this day of modern technology, what are we giving up?  There are few hand-written letters being sent or accounts of day-to-day activities being recorded in notepads and journals. All we have are emails and postings via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like, which we know will be gone in the twinkling of an eye and with a click of the delete key. All of this has motivated me to create a system not only for making your day-to-day life easier, but to preserve it for posterity.”  ~ Colonel

Colonel wants to know the most unusual place you write your notes down and leave them. On the back of a cereal box? Do you leave a sticky-note on the air conditioning vent in your car? (Colonel’s been known to do that)

He would love for you to leave a comment below!

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