An Affinity for Things with History
As a collector of things with historical significance, Colonel acquired a U.S. Cavalry Saddle and Saddlebag that was used in the 1850’s. It sat in his office for years until one day an idea for a briefcase was sparked. Listen to Colonel tell the story about how the Saddlebag Briefcase became a staple product in the Col. Littleton line in the video below.
Colonel's Briefcase for 23 Years
For 23 years, Colonel carried the original prototype of the No. 1 Saddlebag Briefcase crafted from American Steerhide. We view this briefcase as the quintessential Col. Littleton bag. It is the first all-leather bag that Colonel designed for the line and the one he carried virtually every day from 06/25/2001, when his is dated, until last year. “With every year that passed, I grew to love my bag even more. There is something about the aging of leather that gives it character and life” says Colonel. What did he trade it for? Another Saddlebag Briefcase… this time in American Alligator!

For the Busy Executive Who Likes Something Different
Due to the success of this bag in American Steerhide, Colonel introduced three additional variations of the No. 1 Saddlebag Briefcase crafted from American Buffalo and American Alligator. While they share the same structural design, each leather offers a unique look, allowing you to choose the bag that best reflects your personal style.
Explore More Briefcase Options from Col. Littleton
In addition to our No. 1 Saddlebag Briefcase, we offer several other leather bags and briefcases. If you’re searching for a bag you can carry for a lifetime and pass down to future generations, look no further!